Lyrical Shoes

  • 8.5
  • 8.5
1 product

The collection of lyrical shoes shown on is not the full inventory that we stock at the retail store. We have selected our most requested brands and styles for the site. If you don't see what you are looking for, please call the store (1.800.22dance / 1.800.223.2623) and we will help you find what you need.

Please note that the e-commerce site will only allow you to place in your cart the quantity of items we have in stock. If you would like to place a large order, or if an item shows "out of stock" please call the store and we can assist you.

Discount pricing on is only available on orders placed on the website. On-line pricing is not valid on purchases made in the retail locations.
Shoes may be exchanged or returned for store credit only - within 14 days of purchase.